In 2000, the company changed its name to Huneed Technologies and has since grown into a global defense company operating on the world stage through continuous innovation and challenges. In particular, through a strategic partnership with Boeing, the company has successfully entered the aerospace field, leading the localization of avionics and pioneering the future avionics market through the development of cutting-edge AESA radar. It has also established itself as an innovative company leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution era by incorporating 3D printing technology into aircraft parts manufacturing.
Huneed Technologies has grown alongside the history of South Korea's self-defense by localizing tactical communication systems for land, sea, and air. In particular, the development of the High Capacity Trunk Radio System (HCTRS), which was ordered in 2010, has greatly contributed to improving the military's combat capabilities and served as an important opportunity to prove Huneed's technological prowess.
Huneed Technologies is leading the future battlefield through next-generation MANET/FANET solutions and hyper-connected maritime network systems that incorporate Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. It has solidified its position as a total solution provider that guarantees seamless communication connections anywhere in the world and provides individual soldier-centered terminals. Furthermore, based on its accumulated technological capabilities on land, the company is expanding its business to the maritime communications field and is continuously innovating to build hyper-connected maritime network systems.
Since its establishment, Huneed Technologies has played a pivotal role in the defense and telecommunication industries. We have established long-term growth through incredible projects such as developing the Tactical Information Communication Network (TICN) for the ROK military. As we venture into the future, I promise to do my best not only as a leader but as a collaborator. With foundation in our ever-growing potential from the past 50 years, we are passionate about continuously transforming Huneed into a new and innovative company as we leap forward.
In order to strive towards this corporate goal, we will implement three things.
First, we will look back on our company's capabilities and actively promote our strengths so that we are able to create value for our customers.
Second, we will uphold transparent management that can be trusted by our customers, employees, and shareholders. We will interalize this value through action over words, by practicing performance and understanding concepts of profit and loss.
Third, we will make Huneed an exciting workplace so that our company is directed by the voluntary passion of all executives and employees.
We will strengthen our external activities and actively promote Huneed's undervalued potential to ensure that we receive proper evaluation. In order to lead the era of new transformation that will take place from now on and ensure a valuable future for all of the Huneed family, including shareholders, we ask for your constant interest and support so that Huneed can leap forward once again.
Thank you.
Shin Jongseok, CEO of Huneed Technologies Co., Ltd.
Our Company
Mission & Vision
At Huneed, our vision is to build state-of-the-art airborne electrical parts and high capacity wireless radio systems and bring in the best value.
To do this, we invest in our people, technology, and processes because we believe that these are the primary engines of value generation.
We have established a culture that puts focus on our customers, and continuous improvement of on-quality, on-time, and best value metrics.



As a trusted partner, Huneed works closely with Boeing DS, Airbus and other OEMs that continuously invest in our manufacturing capabilities.
Our latest investment in an advanced automated SMT assembly line is producing Flight Control Computers for Airbus Helicopters Q3 2017.
All necessary equipment required for AVIONICS, EPA and WHA projects are constantly updated and checked to ensure proper working order.
Furthermore, Huneed possess the tools and equipment for tactical communication radio equipment assemblage, including board-level assemblies, complete assembly of LRU, ATEs, and ESS equipment within the facility.
Huneed boasts a 27,017m2 cutting-edge, facility based in the Incheon Free Economy Zone (IFEZ), Korea.
The open-floor design allows for flexible production areas that can be scaled based on projects to create seamless work flows. From mass commercial production to smaller high-mix low-volume, our facilities is ready supply our customers quickly and with maximum efficiency .
In addition, Huneed is the only in-country supplier with Boeing Defense (BDS) and Commercial (BCA) specification and process implementation.
Avionics and Defense Electronics [Communication & Data Link System]
State-of-the-art SMT production line for the AH FCC program.
Missile Warning Receiver
The tactical HF/VHF/UHF radio and the High-Capacity Trunk Radio System (HCTRS) programs.
Airborne Electrical Systems
EPAs and WHAs
IT Platforms
What further separates Huneed from our competitors is the level of executive leadership support for continued improvements in seeking better technologies that will drive better processes.
Currently we are working to migrate to a new SAP platform that will give us more transparency and visibility in our operations.
Continued software feature upgrades to SAP/HANA, ensures peak level operator performance and enhanced part traceability.
For the first time as a mid-sized company, we have obtained CMMI Level 5 certification.

Laser Marking
Electrical Bonding & Termination
ATE (Continuity, High Voltage)
Sealing & Curing
Paint Touch Up
Safety Wiring
Electrical Panel
In Progress
Huneed is currently manufacturing EPAs for the US F-15 Eagle, the F/A-18 Hornet, and the H-47 Chinook programs.
In total 159 types of EPAs are being produced at the Huneed facility.

Wire Harness
In Progress
Huneed is currently manufacturing 65 types of WHAs for various F-15 programs around the world.
For the past 10 years, Huneed has consistently complied with Boeing SSOW and process requirements.
Coaxial & Braided
Metal & Fabric
Sealing & Poting
Automatic Test Equipment
High Voltage
Huneed received DPD/MBD certification (D6-51991 Quality Assurance Standard for Digital Product Definition at Boeing Suppliers) in March 2013 and special tooling certification (D950-11059-1) in Apr 2014 from Boeing.
All Huneed Boeing project team members received RCCA training certificates after training under a Boeing CA specialist.
Quality & Environment Management



ISO 14001
Soldering Certificates

1 ME and 2 QE certified on J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610 respectively, and they are entitled to provide periodic & occasional internal trainings to operators for soldering skill improvement.
Engineering Design & Development Experiences
Tactical Communications Technology Capabilities

Not An Obligation.
An Opportunity
for Business Growth.
Defense spending for the Republic of Korea is trending upwards as it continues efforts to deter North Korean aggression and build out its maritime and air capabilities. A record amount of over $36 billion is to be spent on defense for 2017, opening the door to business opportunities and growth in the Korean Market.
As the Korean Industrial Partner of choice for some of the largest defense & aerospace OEMs, Huneed (SME) provides our partners maximum flexibility and speed of communication in-country and on the ground. With a proven track record of success, our innovative implementation of offset industrial cooperation enables partners to win contracts and deliver on offset requirements in Korea.
Republic of Korea is
Top 10
Biggest Military
2016 ROK Arms Imports was
$1.33 Billion USD
(SIPRI trend indicator values)
ROK Arms Imports

The Next Generation
Supplier workforce scalability is a concern for today's aerospace OEMs. As stewards of our partner's brand we at Huneed know what’s at stake. To deliver on this responsibility, we look to our people as the primary engines of value generation.
Huneed for the past 2 years has pioneered a sustainable approach to the challenges of scalability.
Skilled production operators are recruited through highly competitive Korean government-run specialized technical schools (Meister Schools).
Through the tutelage of Huneed Core Masters- seasoned professionals with an average of 20 years of experience within their area of expertise, an average operator is able to catch-up to 15+ years of experience within 3 short years.
These Core Masters serve leadership roles, not as managers but as teachers with a mission to nurture, grow and transfer their knowledge to members of the team enabling quick and seamless scaling.
This innovative process has resulted in 20% cost savings for touch labor without sacrificing quality.
With annual matriculation rates at 650 students, Huneed is able to scale and recruit top of the class, future operators.
Huneed-Boeing process is part of their current lessons as Huneed was asked to develop a portion of the curriculum for the schools.
Huneed Core Masters program has now been introduced to mechanical engineering, procurement, quality control and program management teams.

With Society
Huneed Technologies is doing its best every moment to become a Great Company that contributes to society.
The Huneed mind and attitude of thinking about us and society before me are realized every year with a small touch to help neighbors in need.

Helping Multicultural Families 'The 17th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '17th Charity Golf Tournament' to help multicultural families at Wellington Country Club on June 4, 2019. Co-hosted by Poongsan and Huneed Technologies and organized by Wellington Country Club, a total of 156 female professional golfers and amateurs attended this event. The donations raised through the 17th charity golf tournament were prepared for the 'HOPE' support project that supports the small wishes and dreams of children of multicultural families, and all proceeds were donated to the Pearl Buck Korea Foundation.
![[Size conversion] 2019.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/27705f_e2af2ea8250448bfa22c54c0607cf449~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_194,h_129,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5B%ED%81%AC%EA%B8%B0%EB%B3%80%ED%99%98%5D2019.jpg)
Helping the hearing impaired '16th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '16th Charity Golf Tournament' to help the hearing impaired at Wellington Country Club on June 19, 2018. Hosted by Huneed Technologies and organized by Wellington Country Club, a total of 172 female professional golfers and amateurs attended this event. The donations raised through the 16th charity golf tournament were prepared to support the distribution of hearing aids and artificial cochlear surgery costs in order to find sound and give lost hope and happiness to deaf children who are marginalized from society. All proceeds go to the Snail of Love. has been delivered.
![[Size conversion] 2018.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/27705f_2edab6fb4e9a4e4e91d795ae39bac3ec~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_194,h_129,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5B%ED%81%AC%EA%B8%B0%EB%B3%80%ED%99%98%5D2018.jpg)
Helping Multicultural Families 'The 15th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '15th Charity Golf Tournament' to help multicultural families at Wellington Country Club on June 13, 2017. Co-hosted by Poongsan and Huneed Technologies and organized by Wellington Country Club, a total of 144 female professional golfers and amateurs attended this event. The donations raised through the 15th charity golf tournament were prepared to support treatment costs for children suffering from rare and incurable diseases, and all proceeds were donated to the Pearl Buck Korea Foundation.

Helping Multicultural Families 'The 14th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '14th Charity Golf Tournament' to help multicultural families at Wellington Country Club on June 28, 2016. Co-hosted by Poongsan and Huneed Technologies and organized by Wellington Country Club, a total of 145 female professional golfers and amateurs attended this event. The donations raised through the 14th Charity Golf Tournament were prepared to restore family functions and improve the quality of life by improving the poor living space environment of multicultural families. All proceeds were donated to the Pearl Buck Korea Foundation.

Helping underprivileged children 'The 13th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '13th Charity Golf Tournament' to help underprivileged children at Wellington Country Club on June 23, 2015. A total of 144 female professional golfers and amateurs attended this event, co-hosted by CJ Nanum Foundation and Huneed Technologies, and organized by Wellington Country Club. The donations raised through the 13th charity golf tournament The purpose is to support career education for children in the study room of 'Dream Nurturing Camp', a CJ Nanum Foundation that helps children discover and grow their dreams. All proceeds were donated to the CJ Nanum Foundation.

Helping Multicultural Children 'The 12th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '12th Charity Golf Tournament' to help multicultural children at Jack Nicklaus Country Club on October 20, 2014. This event, co-hosted by Pearl Buck Korea Foundation and Huneed Technologies, and organized by Jack Nicklaus Country Club, was attended by 36 female professional golfers and 108 amateurs. The 12th Charity Golf Tournament aims to develop the talents of children from multicultural families and provide the necessary financial resources to help them realize their dreams, and all proceeds have been donated to the Pearl Buck Korea Foundation.

Helping Multicultural Children 'The 11th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '11th Charity Golf Tournament' to help multicultural children at Jack Nicklaus Country Club on June 3, 2013. This event, co-hosted by the Pearl Buck Korea Foundation and Huneed Technologies, and organized by Jack Nicklaus Country Club, was attended by 36 female professional golfers and 112 amateurs. All donations raised through this charity golf tournament, which marks its 11th anniversary this year, were prepared to develop various special aptitudes of multicultural children and grow them into global core talents, and all profits were delivered to the Pearl Buck Korea Foundation.

Helping children with burn patients '10th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '10th Charity Golf Tournament' to help multicultural children at Jack Nicklaus Country Club on June 3, 2012. This event, co-hosted by Hallym Burn Foundation and Huneed Technologies, and hosted by Jack Nicklaus Country Club, was attended by 32 female professional golfers and 96 amateurs. All donations raised through this charity golf tournament, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year, were donated to the Hallym Burn Foundation, and used so that children suffering from burns can enjoy normal activities like their peers at home and school and live happily.

Helping children with burn patients 'The 9th Charity Golf Tournament'
Huneed Technologies held the '9th Charity Golf Tournament' to help children with burns at Jack Nicklaus Country Club on June 27, 2011. This event, co-hosted by the Hallym Burn Foundation, Korea Women's Professional Golf Association, and Huneed Technologies, and hosted by Jack Nicklaus Country Club, was attended by 32 female professional golfers and 96 amateurs. The money raised through this charity golf tournament, which marks its 9th anniversary this year, was delivered to the Hallym Burn Foundation, where it was used so that children suffering from burns can enjoy normal activities like their peers at home and school and live happily.

About the support group and foundation with Huneed
burn patient support group
The burn patient support group was established in November 2003, led by the staff of Hallym University's Han River Sacred Heart Hospital. The Burn Patient Support Association, which was formed to provide material and psychological help to the economically disadvantaged and young patients, has been raising money for treatment in various ways when patients in dire need arise. The support group is planning a nationwide burn prevention project with the goal of improving the welfare of burn-disabled people and improving the quality of burn treatment as well as after-sales support. In addition, if performance and funds are accumulated in the long term, we plan to establish the "Korea Burn Welfare Foundation (tentative name)" in the form of a foundation to more actively promote the welfare of burn patients and burn prevention in Korea.
TEL: 02-2639-5768
Joseph Clinic
Joseph Clinic is a charitable medical institution that cares for the poor and the sick, marginalized and abandoned by society. It was opened in Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, in 1987 and moved to Yeongdeungpo Station in 1997, providing free treatment to patients who are homeless, poor people, orphans, those released from prison, foreign workers, and unconfirmed patients. So far, we have treated about 330,000 Haengnyeo patients, and we are treating 80 to 100 patients every day. In addition to 9 employees, Joseph Clinic is operated by full-time volunteers and about 400 volunteers.
TEL: 02-2634-1760
Make A Wish Foundation
The Make A Wish foundation gives children with incurable diseases who are in an environment where it is difficult to even dream of a wish on their own, and by making their wishes come true with the greatest emotion, encourages strength and courage to overcome diseases. It is the world's largest wish-fulfillment foundation that helps people to have hope and joy in life. The Korean branch started a full-fledged wish-fulfillment project in 2003, and so far, a total of 30 Wish Seeds have been created through the efforts of donors and volunteers.
TEL: 02-2144-2242